The Syrian crisis has significantly impacted Lebanon, which has welcomed over 1.5 million Syrian refugees, predominantly children and women. Many Syrian refugee families face difficult choices, such as sending their children to work or halting their education entirely. Adolescent girls, in particular, are vulnerable to risks such as sexual and gender-based violence and child marriage when they are out of school.

Educational Support Center:

Our Educational Support Center provides education to up to 700 refugee children. The curriculum is based on non-formal education principles, emphasizing core subjects such as mathematics, science, Arabic, and English. In addition to these academic subjects, students engage in creative activities like music and drawing, which support their holistic development. Although the school does not grant accredited certificates, it equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to pass entrance exams and transition to formal schools, ensuring the continuity of their educational journey.

Educational Rooms in the Camps:

Educational tented points within the camps serve as vital learning hubs, aiming to provide education to out-of-school children and raise awareness among parents on how to educate their children. Staffed by camp residents who have received extensive training from our organization, these initiatives ensure that children in the camps and nearby residents receive the education they deserve. These halls also function as centers for recreational activities such as drawing and music, and as safe spaces utilized by partner organizations and initiatives to conduct their activities.

Through these initiatives, we aim to empower refugee children and offer them the opportunity to achieve a better future, all while providing a safe and supportive environment for learning and growth. By addressing the educational needs of refugee children, we strive to foster resilience and hope, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.